Then came a strange episode which changed the whole course of his life.Until then the love of woman had never stirred his veins. His physicalactivities in the forests, his unique intimacy with Indian life, hadkept him away from the social intercourse of towns and cities. InNashville Houston came to know for the first time the fascination offeminine society. As a lawyer, a politician, and the holder ofimportant offices he could not keep aloof from that gentler and morewinning influence which had hitherto been unknown to him.
Little was heard for another month or two, and then came theannouncement that the Governor's wife had left him and had returned toher parents' home. The news flew like wildfire, and was the theme ofevery tongue. Friends of Mrs. Houston begged her to tell them themeaning of the whole affair. Adherents of Houston, on the other hand,set afloat stories of his wife's coldness and of her peevishness. Thestate was divided into factions; and what really concerned a very fewwas, as usual, made everybody's business.
Download And Then Came Lola
Finally, in the early part of 1870, there came a day when Gambettasurpassed himself in eloquence. His theme was the grandeur ofrepublican government. Never in his life had he spoken so boldly asthen, or with such fervor. The ministers of the emperor shrank back indismay as this big-voiced, strong-limbed man hurled forth sentenceafter sentence like successive peals of irresistible artillery.
D'Orsay very naturally went to Paris, for, like his father, he hadalways been an ardent Bonapartist, and now Prince Louis Bonaparte hadbeen chosen president of the Second French Republic. During theprince's long period of exile he had been the guest of Count d'Orsay,who had helped him both with money and with influence. D'Orsay nowexpected some return for his former generosity. It came, but it cametoo late. In 1852, shortly after Prince Louis assumed the title ofemperor, the count was appointed director of fine arts; but when thenews was brought to him he was already dying. Lady Blessington diedsoon after coming to Paris, before the end of the year 1849.
It was soon after this that he met a woman who was to be to him for therest of his life what a well-known writer has called "a star on thestormy horizon of the poet." This woman was Teresa, Countess Guiccioli,whom he first came to know in Venice. She was then only nineteen yearsof age, and she was married to a man who was more than forty years hersenior. Unlike the typical Italian woman, she was blonde, with dreamyeyes and an abundance of golden hair, and her manner was at once modestand graceful. She had known Byron but a very short time when she foundherself thrilling with a passion of which until then she had neverdreamed. It was written of her:
The question came to her with a peculiar shock. She had never heard thename, and yet the sound of it gave her a strange emotion. Baron Korff,who perhaps took liberties because she was so young, went on to say:
From the beginning, this passive acoustic recording was carefully intertwined with ethnography, because I chose to install the recorders on two building rooftops in and around the intersection of 7th and Florida. Acoustically, rooftops offer the best vantage point for urban passive acoustic recording. In order to install the recorders, I first had to receive permission from the owners of those particular buildings (one a church and one a church office), both of whom agreed after an interview with me. This agreement also came with the promise of letting me inside and on the rooves once a month to download data and change the batteries for the recorders, which allowed me to get to know various office staffs and grounded this project in people, rather than soundscape data. The first rooftop was about five stories off the ground, and covered with solar panels. In March of 2018, I hung the first recorder, nestled in a wooden arm, off of the southwestern edge of the roof, so as to be directed towards the intersection of 7th street and Florida Avenue. I installed the second recorder in May over a third-floor balcony in the intersection. Both recorders captured one minute out of every five minutes all day, every day. That resulted in 288 recordings per day, per recorder. The final tally of over 100,000 recordings is nearly impossible to listen or analyze manually, and yet the possibilities for the dataset seem endless. 2ff7e9595c